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Recent news​ about AES

New Website for Altadena Energy & Solar

Janurary 2014


Check our the new website for Altadena Energy & Solar.

Solar Electricity Project for Pasadena Union Station Homeless Services

August 2013


Altadena Energy & Solar signed an agreement with Pasadena Union Station Homeless Services to install a 120 kilowatt solar electricity system on their facilities around Pasadena area. The project is in planning stage and will be built and completed in 2014.

Solar Heating Project with Los Angeles EcoVillage

March 2013



Altadena Energy & Solar signed an agreement with Los Angeles Eco-Village to install a solar heating system on their multi-family housing propoerty in the north end of the Wilshire Center/Koreatown area of Los Angeles. This project is commissioned through a power purchase agrement (PPA) in which require minimum capital investmnet for the housing co-op that promotes sustainable urban living.

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